Tuesday, May 20, 2008

SERVICE LEARNING...Monday, April 28, 2008

What was successful and useful about the meeting was that we all found how we would make money to buy books, clothing, and etc., for the children. The challenges that we faced were the same as usual. They were that some people tried to over-power the others who were speaking by screaming. What needs to be worked on for the next few weeks are that we should start to find more ways to raise money, because their are over one-hundred kids at CHOP, and we will also think about putting up signs! I do not yet know what role I will play in the group, but I know that I will introduce new ideas for the group!

2. PLAN for THURS. May 1 meeting.

I have emailed my group with my plans. My plans are to pt up signs for a bake sale, or an ice cream sale! I think that we could also have a clothing, book, and/or a toy.

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